15 Traits Every Social Media Account Manager Needs to Succeed in 2023

How to become a great social media account manager? Read on to find out!

15 Traits Every Social Media Account Manager Needs to Succeed in 2023

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If you want to be a social media account manager in 2022 (or be a better one!), there are certain traits you will need to succeed. The social media landscape is constantly changing, and the skills that were needed five years ago may not be as important today.

That's why we've put together a list of the 10 traits that will be essential for social media account managers in 2023.

Who is a social media account manager?

A social media account manager is someone who oversees all aspects of a company's social media presence. They develop and implement social media strategies, create and publish content, engage with customers and followers, track analytics, and optimize campaigns.

Typically, social media account managers have a background in marketing or communications. But some may have backgrounds in web development or technology also. They must be comfortable using computers and various software programs and have excellent writing skills.

It is also important to be able to think creatively and strategically to come up with engaging content ideas that will help promote the company's brand.

What are social media account manager tasks?

Tasks of a social media account manager may vary depending on the company's needs, but can generally be summed up as follows:

  1. Monitor and respond to comments and queries in a timely manner.
  2. Create and schedule posts across different platforms in accordance with the brand's voice and tone.
  3. Analyze data to identify which posts are performing well and why, then adjust content strategy accordingly.
  4. Liaise with other departments (marketing, PR, customer service) to ensure all messaging is consistent.
  5. Keep up to date with social media channels and algorithms changes so that social media marketing remains effective.
  6. Report on results regularly to track and assess progress.

What are the characteristics of a great social media account manager?

Like any other role in a business, there are characteristics that make a great social media account manager. If you're looking to fill this position in your company or just want to be a better social media account manager yourself, read on for some key traits to strive for!

#1 The ability to think outside the box


A social media manager needs to be able to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas for posts and campaigns.

They need to be responsible for coming up with creative content ideas and strategies that will engage and Hook their target audience. They also need to be adaptable and able to change strategies on the fly, as well as respond quickly to breaking news or changes in the social channels.

And of course, they need to be savvy with all the major social networks and understand how each works.

While it's certainly important for social media managers to be creative and have a good sense of aesthetics, it's also important for them to think strategically. That means being able to see the big picture and think about how their actions (and the actions of their team) impact the overall social media efforts and strategy.

It also means being able to come up with creative ideas that align with the brand's goals and messaging. So yes, Manager jobs definitely require the ability to think outside the box!

#2 Strong writing skills

Social media managers should also be content creators and have strong writing skills because their main responsibility is to create different types of content for social media platforms. And these content ideas can be in the form of blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts, etc.

If a social media manager can't write well, their original content will be sloppy and unprofessional. This could reflect poorly on the company and may even cost them, followers and customers.

The best way to improve your writing skills is to read as much as you can and to write as often as you can. Write about topics that interest you and that you know something about. Try to find a style or a content type that works for you and stick with it.

And most importantly, don't be afraid to revise and edit your work until you're happy with the outcome.

#3 Knowledge of all social media platforms

A social media manager (and social media executive too) should have a working knowledge of all the major social media platforms. Each platform offers different benefits and features, so it's important to be familiar with them all. But experience in marketing is also appreciated.

For example, Facebook is great for building connections with friends and family, while Twitter is ideal for sharing news and links. LinkedIn is perfect for business networking, and Instagram is great for sharing photos and videos.

By understanding the unique benefits of each platform, a social media manager can create marketing campaigns that are most likely to succeed on each one.

#4 Understanding of digital marketing strategies

It's definitely important for social media managers to have a solid understanding of digital marketing strategies as well. After all, social media is just one aspect of digital marketing - and it's an increasingly important one, given the growing influence of social media on consumer behavior.

But having a good understanding of digital marketing as a whole is essential for anyone who wants to be successful in online marketing.

This includes things like SEO, email marketing, PPC advertising, and conversion optimization. So if you're looking to become a social media manager, or a business owner as well, it's definitely worth your time to learn as much about digital marketing as you can!

#5 Project management skills

A social media account manager is responsible for the planning, execution, and measurement of social media marketing.

This includes:

  • developing business goals and strategy,
  • plan and organize workflows,
  • set deadlines,
  • manage budgets,
  • communicate with stakeholders,
  • content writing,
  • sourcing images and videos,
  • working well under pressure,
  • and tracking results.

In order to do all of this effectively, a social media manager must have strong project and product management skills.

It's essential that a social media manager be able to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and stay on top of changing priorities.

#6 A positive attitude and a willingness to learn new things

A positive attitude and a willingness to learn are essential qualities for a social media manager.

Such attitude is so important because it enables you to stay motivated when things get tough, and it helps you maintain a good relationship with your team and social media community. And it is obvious that the social media landscape changes rapidly, and it's crucial to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends or technologies.

In the social media account manager role, you'll be responsible for developing and executing social media marketing plans, so it's important to be enthusiastic and proactive too.

So a positive attitude is key because it can help you stay upbeat when dealing with difficult situations (for example, tough clients) or negative feedback.

#7 Excellent communication skills

Social media managers should have excellent communication skills because they are the ones who will be interacting with customers and clients on behalf of the company.

They need to be able to understand and relay the company's message in a clear and concise way, as well as respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner. Additionally, good communication skills will help them develop relationships with other bloggers and social media users who could potentially promote or advocate for their company's products or services.

Communication is essential when it comes to interacting with potential customer either.

Good communication skills can help managers relay information effectively and resolve any issues that may arise. Further, strong communication skills can help create a more positive online presence for a brand or company.

#8 Creativity and flexibility

Social media managers also need to be flexible enough to quickly adapt to changes in social media profiles and algorithms. So it's definitely important that they have a strong tendency to adapt, as well as some experience in digital marketing efforts.

They need to be able to make their social media teams adaptable to the prevailing conditions and make them flexible too, as well as respond quickly to any changes or surprises that may occur. They must also be able to change their tactics in order to satisfy their clients' demands.

#9 Critical thinking

A social media manager should have critical thinking skills because they are responsible for communicating with the public, team, company, etc. They are the first line of defense when it comes to online reputation management.

And they are also responsible for creating and implementing a social media strategy, which means that they need to be able to think critically about what will work best for their company or client.

Additionally, social media marketers need to be able to track analytics and compile reports (not only with Google Analytics), so critical thinking skills are necessary in order to determine what is and isn’t working with regard to the company’s social media campaigns.

You need to know that strong critical thinking skills are essential as they include staying up-to-date on new trends and changes in the social networks also.

And lastly, they should always be open to feedback and willing to learn from their mistakes.

#10 Time management discipline

Yes, it's essential for social media managers to have good time management and organizational skills.

This is because there are a lot of tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis, and if they're not managed properly, it can be difficult to achieve desired results.

Some tips for effective time management include:

  • setting priorities,
  • creating a schedule,
  • using tools like lists or editorial calendar software, to help keep track of what needs to be done.

It's also critical to be organized and efficient with your time, so that you can get the most out of every day.

So yes, as a social media account manager, it's important to have time management skills in order to effectively juggle all of the tasks that need to be done.

Here are a few tips for managing your time wisely:

  1. Make a list of priorities and stick to it.
  2. Set realistic deadlines for yourself and try to stick to them as much as possible.
  3. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
  4. Take breaks periodically throughout the day, but make sure they're short and not too disruptive to your workflow.
  5. Try not to get overwhelmed - remember that it's okay to take things one step at a time!

#11 Relationship building skills

It's definitely important for social media managers to have strong relationship-building skills.

After all, their job is to build and maintain relationships with customers, followers, teams and other stakeholders.

A good social media manager understands the importance of customer service and is able to respond quickly to queries and complaints.

They also know how to create engaging content that will appeal to their target audience. And finally, they are able to cultivate meaningful relationships with customers and followers that result in long-term loyalty.

#12 Trendsetter abilities

There's no question that social media managers need to be trendsetters when it comes to staying ahead of the latest changes and updates in social profiles. But taking things a step further, they should also be aware of current trends in order to better tap into what's popular with their target audiences.

This includes everything from pop culture trends to broader lifestyle trends.

So whether it means:

  • keeping up with the latest fashion crazes,
  • following the hottest travel bloggers,
  • reading up on the latest health and wellness trends.

A good social media manager needs to be on top of it all.

And again – social media marketers should be creative and outgoing, with a knack for coming up with new ideas for content management.

#13 Problem-solving skills

It's definitely important for a social media manager to have problem-solving skills.

Every day, they're faced with new challenges and need to be able to come up with solutions quickly. Because if they didn’t do it, then who?

For example, they might need to come up with a way to increase engagement on a page that's plateaued, or figure out how to address a negative online review.

Problem-solving skills are also essential for managing crises.

If something goes wrong on one of the company's social channels - like if there's been a hacking attack or someone has made a racist remark - the social media manager needs to be able to react immediately and decisively. They'll need to know how to find the right people within the company who can help solve the problem, and then develop a plan of action for resolving it.

In short, social media managers need to be able to think on their feet and come up with solutions when faced with problems.

#14 Passion for social media

Of course, it's also basic for social media managers to have a genuine passion for social media. After all, this is what will drive them to deliver the best work they can do.

A passion for social media will help managers connect with their audience on a deeper level, which is essential for building strong relationships.

#15 Willingness to try the newest social media tools

Social media managers should always be on the lookout for new social media tools and platforms to try out. It's all about making their work better and more effective!

That being said, not every new social media tool is worth trying out. It's important to do your research before investing time and effort into a tool that may not be right for your business.

And there are plenty of great resources online that can help you decide which tools are worth trying out. The key is just to always be willing to try new things!

What tools should a social media account manager use?

  • social media management tools
  • social media listening tools
  • social media analytics tools
  • photo editing tools
  • video editing tools
  • scheduling tools
  • project management tools
  • content curation tools
  • marketing automation tools
  • blogging platforms
  • email marketing platforms
  • PR software

These are just a few of the many social media tools that are available to help social media marketers do their job better.

And we may shock you, but there are only Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google AdWords or Google Calendar out there. ;)

So if you're not sure which tools are right for you, do some research online and find out which ones work best for your niche and responsibilities.

And here comes FeedHive

Speaking of tools: at the end of the day, it's up to the social media manager to decide which tools are best for their business. And perhaps, when research is done correctly and carefully, they come up with an idea to use FeedHive - social media software that enables businesses and creators to grow and build their online brands. Keeping up with the competition while still being active online is just easier with such help.

But from the beginning.

A social media management tool, FeedHive is an all-in-one solution. But is that all? Well, not exactly.

This tool aims to maximize a customer engagement with fewer effort thanks to post templates and customizable schedules. It also helps you to create new social media posts faster by using AI to create unique and fresh content.

This software can be your favorite tool. With it, you will finally publish your posts on different platforms (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), custom your content (images, videos, text, etc.), generate relevant hashtags based on your content, picks up your best posts from the past so you can use them again, predict how well your post is going to perform, and for example monitor all of your social media performance.

With these features, you can get extra time and convert high engagement into sales opportunities.

And it's worth mentioning that connecting all your social media accounts is super easy and the tool itself is very intuitive. It just can change the way managers work with social media marketing totally :)

15 Traits Every Social Media Account Manager Needs to Succeed in 2023

Megan Pierce

Content Marketer

Creative SaaS content marketer and link builder. Sharing tips on digital marketing and social media.